⚠️This page under construction⚠️

Absukians are an open species created by Chubbziie back in 2021. You are free to create your own Absukian that follows the species guidelines but please respect there are certain types closed off such as the Divine Absukians will be only available through adopts or through commissioning me only. I originally created this species due to love for sharks, monsters/beasts and anthropomorphics animals. Sharks are fascinating creatures aren't they?Absukians were originally inspired by The Legend of Zelda character race called the Zoras, which is also major reason of the species being made. My love from that series made me think to create a species involving around sharks and marine life. The first Absukian I created was back in 2020 during the other species I made but I can' t
remember it unfortunately.
The community is only beginning to grow and so far it has been incredible. I solely created this carrd to share my creation out publicly instead of through documents. This allows me to update and keep things organised.

Telegram Channel https://t.me/absukianspecies

Commissions for Custom Absukian Designs are CLOSEDNex opening: TBA

icon by sudo_poweroff

Made with cardd.co

Species Guide

The species guide below is made for the main Absukian variation commonly known as the Eastern Absukian or call it just Absukian.
This is made to help you guide through for creating your own Absukian. There are other variations such as the subspecies that are available except the Divine type.A detailed guide Progress: 2/4

You can pick any gender for your Absukian by the way!

Absukian (origin name: Abzukian) comes from the Kiv'nava language. It was developed by the Ancients.
Kian means Monster, Leviathan or strange, unusual, ancient
Absu means Shark(s)
What are Absukians?
Absukians are alien sharks that have evolved during the early evolution of their kind. The origin of the Absukian was much more different compared to their current look. They didn't develop mammal ears until later into the evolution. Absukians from their early stages were described to be alien/fish-like, lacking limbs as well, though they still had some of their shark features, the dorsal fin being the main part of their head. Their appearance grew towards being a mix of humanoid and shark-like still featuring snout and gills.
An Absukian's average height is commonly around 5'3 ft. Maximum height is 6'7ft. However there are genetic mutations that lead to Absukians going over the maximum height, this is considered extremely rare. This does not make them a Divine type.

The Absukians possess fish and amphibian like traits, including fins of a shark, webbed feet/hands and gills, which allow them to swim and thrive underwater. They live amphibiously both land and water.Lil known fact: Absukians are known to be nudist friendly. They have private spaces opened to those who are nudists, but by law however, must be clothed in public spaces.

● Divine Absukians are mythical god like variant beings possesing magical celestial abilities. They can average the height to 7'0"ft - 8'7"ft or even higher.

Quadruped Absukian
Quadruped Absukians, or Quad Absukians for short, are Absukians who have the ability to shapeshift at will.
Quad Absukians come in different shapes and sizes. This form is also accessible to those who do not want to draw their anthro counterpart.

Quad Absukian Lore
There is one interesting thing about Anthro Absukians shape-shifting into their quad form. They are sapient, meaning they can talk and express emotions through their body language. Back in the old era, Absukians who preferred not to speak and instead communicated through cries, sounded like wild animals. This minority of Absukians back then believed it allowed them to feel connected to nature and the wilderness.
Some also believe that only Absukians may have the ancestral ability to metamorphose into one; those whose ancestral bloodline lacks that ability cannot metamorphose into a quadruped.
No proof has been provided to prove their existence or those who have changed into one since then. But according to the research of a cryptozoologist named Vai, he believed he heard voices and sounds during one night in his library. He believed it was an Absukian metamorphosed into a quadruped from the distinctive sounds they made during their transformation. Unfortunately, many did not believe his words, though some did.

Absukians that turned into Quad Absukians were described as canine and feline hybrids, and their body structure resembled that of a canine. A strong, sturdy tail helped them maintain balance while swimming. They had large eyes with cat-like pupils, granting them excellent night vision. They possessed five digits and powerful hind legs, enabling them to jump high, similar to felines.

All Absukians have five fingers and a thumb, and five toes. They have webbed hands and feet as well like amphibians. They also have claws; their claws are slightly translucent and can be long or short. They have paw pads on their feet. But sometimes it can be on their hands. A flexible claw on each side of their feet resembles almost velociraptor-like.
Absukians can come in different body types and sizes. They don’t remain the same body type structure and height, this is the same for Northern, Eastern, Southern and Western subspecies. Absukians can stand with a plantigrade stance or digitigrade stance.
Absukians have a curved large fin tip at the back of their head but not all have it. Some are hidden amongst their hair, some aren't born with it.

All Absukians have bioluminescent tongues, the very major muscular organ. Their tongue is slimy and always seen as shiny looking. But for (baby sharks) pups they do not have glowing tongues until later into their childhood.
You can call it glowing tongues or bioluminescent tongues.

Baby/Young Absukians
Young Absukians or a pup (baby shark) is a juvenile Absukian. They're born through live birth, not from eggs since Absukians are viviparous. Newborn pups feed on milk until they're 2 weeks old. They feed off mashed up meat/fish once they're 5 weeks old,
They start having their teeth later in development around 1 month old: the teething stage where they will chew, bite on anything. Later, during their development, they start to develop bigger frills and begin developing changes of their tongue. Which becomes bioluminescence.
Their cries are like a harp seal
Absukian lifespan can reach anywhere between 90-150 years of age: Western Absukians can live longer. Absukians do age like humans once they reach elder age 70.
Absukians' childhood is from ages 1-4 years old. Their teenage life is from 9-13 years old. A young adult Absukian from the ages 17-20, and then after the age of 20, they are considered a fully fledged mature adult.

Absukians are piscivorous and omnivorous. Piscivorous means they're fish eaters, while omnivorous means they can eat both plants and meat.
Their diet consists of fish, meat, or plants, depending on the Absukian. They have developed molars in the back of their mouths that help them to chew through plants.

Absukians have special appendages on their heads that have evolved to mimic hair, despite having no hair strands due to their evolutionary lineage. There are a myriad of different types of hairstyles Absukians can have, this has been discovered as the population increased throughout the eras.
Their hair has a slippery-looking, smooth shine similar to tentacles.

They also can dye their hair using a small fruit called a Zimda. The fruit's seed contain the dye to dye appendages to any colour available from each coloured Zimda.

Absukians can be any colour. Their appearances range and vary from natural, pastel, melanistic, albino etc. Even rare cases of piebald and gradient markings occur. Their flesh can be in different colours, so their tongue, paw-pad feet, webbed parts can be the same colour too. Absukians' eye colour doesn’t have to match either!

Most of it is lore-based.

  • Absukians do not have 3 rows of teeth like normal sharks

  • An Absukian’s skin is covered by tiny flat V-shaped scales called placoid scales, also known as dermal denticles. However their skin is also shiny and almost slippery too. According to their evolution, their skin is less sandpapery and somehow smooth.

  • Their eyes have scotopic vision and have tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the low light created by murky or deep waters­.

  • They have a nictitating membrane which allows them to feed on prey to help protects their eyes.

  • Absukians have Cat-looking eyes but they can be in different shapes

As a disclaimer, the traits are under construction.
These are the list of traits Absukians can possess through genetic mutations:
- Horns
- Spines
- Antennae
- Extra body parts

Subspecies Guide

Introducing the Subspecies

Subspecies Absukian facial and body markings appear differently for each region. There are myriad markings, and not all are the same! The scales that act like neck fluff are a rare trait passed down from the ancestry of each region. They can also be a form of armor. They all have unique physiques, appearances, and sizes. Each region also has a unique culture and traditions.

Region names
The place where each Absukian live
- The Aiponii Region is part of the Northern Absukians.
- The Tymotti Region is part of the Eastern Absukians.
- The Larmou Region is part of the Southern Absukians.
- The Ag'astu Region is part of the Western Absukians.

Eastern Absukians are the most common species among them. The most notable feature is their snouts, which can range from short to long and pointed. They also have hip fins. They possess standard traits: webbed hands, feet, and frills. Eastern Absukians that have been crossbred can have other traits as well. This is the same for the other subspecies. They are well known for the swimming tournaments in Tyimotti.

Southern Absukians have sharper claws , fins on their ankles and pure dark sclera eyes . Southern Absukians are seen as tougher , brawny subspecies . Their appearance is seen as scary due to their dark sclera eyes and intimidating look . Their dark sclera eyes allow them to catch the tiniest amount of light , they're the only nocturnal and crepuscular subspecies .

Western Absukians are the smallest subspecies. They have fins that range from long to short on their forearms. Sometimes have facial markings that look like a mask. They're the most tourist friendly among the three.Western Absukians usually have big ears, their big ears are used to cool them down in the hot environment during the summer in Ag'astu region.

Northern Absukians are commonly known to be noble and elegant. They have slanted eyes but can have other eye traits and have a similar height to Easterners (Eastern Absukian). The fins they have in their crotch area are the pelvic fins, however, not all have pelvic fins. They have earlobes that range from small to large, which allows them to wear ear gauges.Northern Absukians have an odd way of taking compliments. They enjoy compliments on their ear gauges, and it is considered attractive to have colourful, glamorous gauges. The size of the gauges also matters.

Other Variations
This is optional choice


Ancient variant
⚠️Under construction⚠️
The Ancients were the original Absukians to set foot on the continent: Tormicca.
Origin story
It all started a thousand years ago in Taiv'aluon, where the midnight sky was clear, and sets of stars, colored silver, were seen across it. More and more stars began showing themselves until one particular star shone the brightest of them all. That light from the biggest star eventually changed into a being in white silk clothing. She was the goddess named Ziluna, the one who created the first Absukians. Goddess Ziluna headed to the ocean where many sea creatures lived. Her eyes saw sharks emerging from the waters, watching her. She walked to them and touched them one by one. "Now you can walk upon the earth" They began to glow, suddenly changing into an unusual creatures that took the shape of a shark-like humanoid beings. Each had different features from one another, and then they were told, "When the special day of the twilight falls, you'll be given something special—children who will carry on the generation in the future. Now, discover the land where your heart leads you."
Many were confused by her words, yet they followed her words, and so they did, discovering many things upon setting foot in Tormicca and from there into the years. They began to feel emotions that deepened further into an emotion called love through natural instincts, creating families. On the day of the twilight's fall, the species began to evolve, populating over the years.They began creating the very first language for the species and later developed an entire civilization. As their brains developed, so did their evolution. They were becoming an intelligent species, expanding the evolutionary line of the Absukians. It was then divided into four regions due to overpopulation.
The Ancients looked quite different compared to their modern counterparts in appearance. Their bodies were not fully adapted to the land they set foot on when Ziluna created them.
Yet despite their struggles to get used to the land, the Ancients were described to be wise, clever. Ziluna's stories of the Ancients were told in many tales in the four regions. They worshipped Ziluna, their goddess, for giving them life and prosperity.


Divine Species

Owner: slientjay, Design by me

They're special Absukians that can only be bought through adopt auctions. However, over time, I have considered making them more available to the public by allowing commissions for custom designs.

Absukians: Divine Type VariantThey're these tall, god-like beings called the 'Divine' by the Absukian people. They are seen as Abzuki deities to Tormicca. They can live for 600 years, unlike normal Absukians whose lifespan is up to 50 years. They have been spoken of in tales, folklore, and even children's books.
Divine Absukian appearances can be from any of the four regions: Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western. They can also be mixed with other subtypes.

Each has a random symbol marked on its body. Some are connected to elements. Some represent wealth, happiness, etc. It's entirely up to you to decide if there's a connection or not for the sake of being pretty or aesthetically appealing.
You can get one through adopts via the species creator (which is me, the designer) or you can commission me to design a Divine type for you.


  • Normal Absukians - Open to make or buy adopt, flat sales/auctions. Can sell on flatsales, auctions.

  • Divine Absukians - Closed to make, but can buy adopt through auction or get commissioned through me to design one..

(Please respect the creator's decision thank you)

Character Creation and Guideline

This is the Do’s & Don’ts section of creating your Absukians. Please be respectful to the creator of the species. Please follow the guides posted for anatomy in Species Guide and Subspecies Guide as it will help you to create your Absukian character.

What is allowed;

  • You can create a cross breed one e.g. Southern and Northern cross breed, Western and Eastern cross breed etc.

  • One tail or two tails or kitsune tail number.

  • For markings please be respectful. No hate symbols of any kind

  • Scars on eye, tail, face etc.

  • Body Piercings, Tattoos

  • Prosthetics arms, hand, legs, feet and tail

  • Extra Appendages onto their head

Unusual or as they are described unique with these traits.

  • Horns

  • Gooey parts

  • Glittery flesh

  • Glowing eyes

  • Tails

  • Multiple eyes

  • Body scales

* Divine ones have more traits which are work in progress

What is not allowed;

  • Completely missing tail. (Unless your Absukian has a prosthetic tail.

  • Furry tails (not following the guide)

  • Actual hair (not following guide) please remember they do not develop fur.

Species Rules

  • NSFW content: This is allowed to be made of Absukians. Absukians are associated to the nsfw side of the species while also being sfw.

  • Canon to the story: Whether your Absukian is part of canon lore and belongs to the world of Taiv’aluon, or whether it is from your own lore you made but has no relation to the homeworld. It's all entirely up to you!

  • Hybrids Absukians can be hybridised with other species; however they cannot develop fur.



The Absukian homeworld of Taiv'aluon.
This is lore/canon stuff.

Absukians live in a fictional homeworld consisting of four regions in a country called Tormicca.
The planet's name is Taiva [Taiv’aluon].

Locations are places/landmarks of Tormicca.

Rutototo Market
Rutototo means Buzzy in Kiv'nava language
A bustling high street market, located in the Ag'astu Region, sells fruits, vegetables, and all sorts of spices. Deeply rooted in the culture of Western Absukians, many who cannot find those rare spices head over to the market to buy some.
The street food there is popular with tourists, especially their famous grilled jumbonon topped with tomatoes and their specialty spice called Amitusendi.
Awi Lakeside
A large lake side in Aiponii region full of wildlife. A landmark for its well known tall waterfalls. Has a bridge for tourist to walk safely across the Lakeside.
Popular spot for relaxing and enjoying wildlife
Tulnavi Lake Resort
Tulnavi Lake is a popular resort place in Ag'astu (Western) region. Many Absukians and other species go there for a holiday.
Pou Dūm Park A small, lively park in the Tyimotti (Eastern) region is a social place for chats and a romantic date spot due to its gorgeous scenery.
(The word Pou in Kiv'nava means "peaceful, calm." The word Dūm also means the same.)Crimson Siivet River
The river of what they call 'Crimson' comes from it's red crystal stones that rest under the seabed creating a colour that looks to be dark red. Siivet was an name of Absukian who first discovered the existence Estlus stones (the red stones). These stones are collected and sold for high price at Aiponii (Northern) region.
Land of Igrosin
Old, vast ruins located in Larmouu (Southern) region that left a meaningful history behind, with a half-broken statue of a warrior wielding a massive sword. The knight fighter named Igroshin who saved the regions from the raged Titans rampaging. His honor and self-sacrifice saved many. Today, many come here to pay their respects and pray, thanking him for all he did.
Ordion Lake
Tynin Seaside
Agrok Valley
Ekemoh Hills

Pupprui Jungle
Laliko'ol Seaside
Le'frei Shores

KeywordsJumbonon : a small fish with eight eyes, darkish orange and light green body, long fins. When cooked or grilled it has a crispy texture and savoury taste.Amitusendi : a green coloured spice with a rich smell but also very hot when combined with hot peppers.Kepandu: a plant from meteor which is made to create silk that dried on land after being in contact with water.

Aoma means Mana in Kiv'nava langague.
The source of magic used in all of the regions and can be only used at academies, must abide by the law if has a permit to use magic in public.

DomainsAbsukians live amphibiously in a large city domain ruled by a leader, it is divided into land and underwater . The city entrance is a staircase made from stonework leading up to the massive domain. The architecture is all made by stonework from esteemed artists.
A feature of architecture that has drawn tourists from the world over of Tormicca.
The domain at the entrance has a large stair case, at the start there's three sets of bridges sturdily connected to each region, both of the bridges have arches leading all the way to the; Northern, Western and Southern regions. This is for transportation to deliver traded goods, resources. Transportation for much heavier stuff in large carriages was moved by Umpumas.Keyword: Unpuma: a large herbivore ungulate with a tapir looking face, 6.8 ft tall, weighing 1000 kg. The most common species of Tormicca.

TechnologyTechnologies in the domain of the Eastern did advance in the future, but around the old period era called The Desperate Ages. Technology was far behind in the domain whereas other countries, their technology advanced. In the Desperate Ages, the need for vehicles used for transportation was denied by the government - the leader, Dolarcia decided to retract the ideas of inventions being made by inventors during this era. She sees it a danger to the environment, seen as lazy and a waste of energy consumption. Absukian's technology was unfortunately pushed back, failing into the tradition of technology that was outdated.This caused an outbreak. Protests were made at the time that technology wasn't advancing; it led to violence from a group called the SF (Silver Fishburn). Then, another group chose not to use violence but to protect peacefully, protesting for vehicles that are accessible to each individual: the elderly, the disabled, etc. Even to advance technology to help scientists, researchers etc.Unfortunately the violence led to riots until the government met defeat. Technology was then advanced later in the current era (The Golden Moon.) from protesters as well the rioters, the risk of battling against the government until it was made as a final agreement from the leader.Technology was also difficult to advance in other regions, Southern, Northern except for the Western. Western Absukians technology was more advanced than the others, already built solar panels due to their region's hot environment, it allows energy from the sun instead of fossil fuel.To the modern day of Tormicca, technology continues to thrive.

Dry Silk Technology: Kepandu Plant
It is said that the meteors that carried the first lifeforms of Tormicca that would evolve into the planet that we know today were rich in exotic and rare substances by the Ancient Absukians. Only in these meteors would grow a plant called “Kepandu”, which made a silk that effortlessly dried on land after being in contact with water. Stories tell of Odysseus going after such a plant, from danger-filled islands to the deepest underwater caves, to give it as the ultimate tribute for the gods.
Although they are extinct in the modern world, Nat’La, a Western Absukian Inventor, found the remnants of a Kepandu plant during one of his first expeditions to an Ancient Absukian Shrine by accident, uncovering a secret area only known by their priests.After researching the makings of a Kepandu, he was able to synthesize it for industrial use. This new “Dry Silk” is not cheap to make, being mostly affordable to rich folk. It is especially popular with Northern Absukians, being a status of wealth for those who own clothing with it.

(By TheBrazilianxd)

The Beast Choker
10 years ago a explorer named Taruk found an ancient looking object/artifact in a ruin, hidden away inside a sphere shaped chest. The object origin was called the Beast Choker or in Kiv'nava (Kian Ma'takal). Wearing this choker, the individual transforms into a beastly, larger appearance.
Researchers have speculated the gems slotted in the choker could be the reason for the transformation. The choker somehow expands to fit the individual neck when worn. The choker does not tighten or apply pressure around the neck. It only covers half of the neck gills.Those who have worn the choker may go through psychological changes during it, significant changes on an individual's body are unlikely to be noticeable. Wearing the choker for a long extended period of time hasn't done any damage to one's self mentality and wellbeing according to the research.Note: Researchers do not know the clear purpose of why it's created, they're still researching the artifact.For example Vivi may look scary here but not to worry though! She still remains the same (mind, soul) while transformed with the choker. However she has a tiny bit of animalistic behaviour. Most changes are different posture and vocals a bit deeper but nothing too drastic that completely changes her character as whole.The choker gems only react to the Absukian, no other representatives of animal races will transform from it. Mysteries behind why it only works for Absukians remains unknown.Further research will resume in the future.

For lore purposes they have managed to create a replica of it, it took them 5 years though to make the choker.
The modernised choker is more comfortable than the original choker.

Beast Form

Blue Liquid

This is outdated art of the blue liquid.

It is a incredible phenomenon Absukians have. Absukians possess two sides of a gland inside their throats.Absukians use this vemon in battle/fights but also protect themselves from predators. Their salvia mixed with the blue liquid they build up can be deadly especially from their bite combined.
A bite from Absukian can be lethal

It is widely believed as well this ability was developed and passed down through evolution as a form of survival that carried over to the modern age.


Frequently asked questions
Below this section you can find questions that get asked a lot about the species.

Q- Can I create one?
A- Yes you can create one, they're an open species.
Q- What is their average height?A - An Absukian's average height is commonly around 5'3ft. Maximum height is 6'7ft.Q - Would/Could they have hairstyles or hair-like fins on their head?A- Yes. There are different types of hairstyles. It isn't only one hair style.Q- Are there any color dos & don'ts?
(B) What about bioluminesence?
A - Absukians have bioluminescent tongues.
(B) Colours range from natural, pastel, melanistic, albino etc. Rare case of piebald, gradient markings/colours. I am more chill with colours being bright and colourful, make a sparkle one go ahead.
Q- Does their appearance vary depending on habitat/region?A- Appearance does vary on the four regionsQ- Are they an open species? If so. How open? Are people allowed to make their own or make adoptable designs?A: They're not closed,
you can draw art of them, write stories, roleplay, sell adoptables and ychs etc.

Other questions
Lore based
Q- Do they lay eggs or birth live young?A- They birth live young.Q- Do they live underwater or amphibiously?A- They live amphibiously. The city (domain) of the regions are divided into land and underwater.Q- Do they have a unique spoken or written language?A- They do! It's called Kiv'nava. A well spoken language in each of the four regionsQ- Do Absukians accept/practice polyamory? Would I be allowed to have my absukians in a polycule?A-Yes, they do pratice polyamory. It was widely started in the Western Region, then slowly started to share around other regions.Q- Can they have some kind of "facial hair", like the same way their hair are made?A-Yep! It might be funny looking but yes they're capable of having 'facial hair'Other information
Cool facts: Absukians have 1 row of teeth instead of 3 rows of teeth.
40% of Absukians are bisexual.


I have noticed there is a possibility of Absukian fursuit costumes happening in the future so I made a section for those who are curious if they can.
You are free to buy, sell, and trade any sort of the species crafts or costume parts provided they follow the species guidelines, as well the subspecies. Head bases may also be reproduced and sold.
Do not copy or reproduce another maker's work.If I'm open to fursuit style ref commissions:
If you would like to request a fursuit ref of your Absukian, contact me through email: [email protected]


This page is under work in progress

Region Leaders
Each region is ruled by a powerful leader who controls the domain of each city; Tyimotti, Ag'astu, Larmouu and Aiponii.
The leader names:Vazor the leader of Larmou (Southern)
Avaline the leader of Ag'astu (Western)
Bamouth the leader of Aiponii (Northern)
Dolarcia the leader of Tyimotti (Eastern)
A ruthless powerful Eastern leader who controls Tyimotti and wields a crystal staff. Dolarcia is well known to have the deadly stare she gives when someone gets on her bad side, the best option is to either run and end up in the worst situation possible. Despite her intimidating appearance of being a leader, Dolarcia has a softer side and is overly protective. She has a precious daughter named Vivi and the only daughter she had. Unfortunately her husband Vizcor passed away when Vivi was born, which has left her with a burden, the fear of losing her child.
She is also judgemental towards other species due to her up bringing.

Cities of Tormicca Regions


This page is under work in progress
Classes are occupations within Tormicca. Many serve big roles in help shaping the world they live in.
You may choose any of these classes for your Absukian. You can choose two classes.

Choosing this class allows your Absukian to become a Fishmonger.
Sells fish of all kinds at the famous market of Aiponii (Red Snaps)

Choosing this class allows your Absukian to become a Breeder.
Breeders are a highly respected class within Tormicca and always have been since the ages, (most chosen class job from Tyimotti folks).They're individuals who look to produce and raise the livestock of different alien animals. The breeder also can produce strong livestock such as "Yugams", obedient four-legged creatures capable of fighting and used as guards to protect the region from dangerous creatures alike, especially enraged titans.While Umpupas are used to help transport delivered goods, resources.

Similar to the Breeder Class. Choosing this class allows your Absukian to become a farmer.
Farmer class is the most common and vital job in Tormicca. Farmer Absukian job is to cultivate soil; raising, and harvesting crops for food and many raw materials that Absukian folks need to survive. Hardworking farms come from Aiponii region.








  • Adventurers

  • Hunter/Beastmaster



Titans: massive monsters camouflaged as mountains, hills, rocks and trees that roam around Tormicca however they will only provoke if someone invades their territory. Titans are a vital part of the Tormicca especially for the Absukians they're seen as the guardians of nature.
Raged Titans: are Titans that fall under a disease called the Red Fever, a very rare occurrence of it happening but when it does the Titan goes on rampage and will attack anything it sees. All Absukians must evacuate from the city while the guards and high class warriors take care of it using electric barriers and pitfalls.Only way to calm a Raged one down is by tranquilliser them with a special medicine made through crystals and gems. But it isn't a easy task doing so due to how massive they're.